Gabriela has a master’s degree in Business, Corporate and Contract Law from the São Paulo Law School of the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV Direito SP) and has post-graduation degree in Material Tax Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP).
She has also an extension course in Law, Corporate Governance and Compliance by the Economic and European Criminal Law Institute of the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra in 2019 and has graduated in Law from the Catholic University of Salvador (UCSAL).
With more than 20 years of experience in projects in the field of corporate advisory, corporate governance and M&A, Gabriela is the author of the book: “The Shotgun Clause (Buy or Sell) in a Shareholders’ Agreement”, and several book chapters and papers on corporate governance, ethics, compliance, ESG and DE&I published in specialized magazines.
Gabriela is the President of the Brazilian Law and Business Ethics Institute – IBDEE. She is also a member of the Committee of the Board of Directors of the Future of the Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance – IBGC.
Gabriela is an invited professor and teaches classes about Corporate Governance and ESG in several courses, such as: the MBA at the Federal University of São Carlos (UFScar), IBDEE, FTC, Catholic University of Pernambuco (UniCap), IBMEC, among others.